Brick Pointing NYC | Tuck Pointing

Restore the appearance and integrity of your building’s exterior with brick pointing NYC from the professionals at Ridge Hill Construction. We renew the brick and stone joints using the latest techniques. Our work reverses brick erosion and deterioration. For professional brick pointing to improve the property, call us at (347) 577-2852. Ask us about a free estimate. Click here to contact us.

What Is Brick Pointing?

Pointing is the finishing of masonry mortar joints in stone or brick. Mortar is the material that holds bricks together. This material must be replaced periodically, as it does not have a long lifespan. When we repoint brick, we remove deteriorated mortar from the masonry wall joints and replace it with fresh mortar. This process helps maintain the masonry’s integrity and keeps the building in attractive condition.

Brick Pointing NYC
Brick Pointing NYC

What Causes Brick And Mortar To Deteriorate?

The mortar joints in exposed masonry take damage from weathering and erosion. Wind, pollution, and water infiltration adversely affect mortar, slowly wearing it away over time. An uneven settlement of the building’s foundation can cause cracks in the mortar.

Freezing temperatures also cause mortar deterioration. Low temperatures cause any water that has penetrated masonry to freeze and expand, breaking the mortar apart.

bronx construction

What Are Some Signs Of Mortar Deterioration?

  • Crumbling Mortar
  • Hairline Cracks in the Brick and Mortar
  • Heavy Mortar Erosion
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    We Want To Hear About Your Project

    What do you need to improve your home or commercial building? Call Ridge Hill Construction today at (347) 577-2852 and tell us about the project you have in mind. We will give you an estimate after learning more about what you need!